Kanopy Ventures Hybrid Workplace Policy
1. Purpose
This policy outlines Kanopy Ventures' approach to hybrid working, enabling employees to work remotely from the office. We believe that this approach offers flexibility and promotes productivity, collaboration, and work-life balance.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all Kanopy Ventures employees deemed eligible for hybrid working based on the nature of their roles, responsibilities, and tasks.
3. Policy
a. Workplace Locations: Employees will split their time between working remotely and working from our office location(s). The proportion of time spent at each location will be determined based on the role, team collaboration requirements, and personal preferences, subject to managerial approval.
b. Work Schedule: The typical workweek will be from Monday to Friday. However, employees are permitted flexible schedules, provided they fulfill their job responsibilities and are available for team meetings, client interactions, and other scheduled collaborative work.
c. Communication: Employees must communicate regularly with their managers and teams via email, phone calls, virtual meetings, and our chosen communication platforms.
d. Office Equipment: Kanopy Ventures will provide necessary office equipment for remote work, within reason. Employees are responsible for ensuring a safe and secure environment for their equipment at home.
e. Data Security: All employees are responsible for maintaining company data security in line with our data protection policy. This includes but is not limited to not sharing sensitive information and using secure internet connections.
f. Performance Evaluation: Employee performance will continue to be assessed based on their output and attainment of objectives rather than their physical presence in the office.
4. Implementation
a. Eligibility: Hybrid working arrangements are made at the discretion of line managers and senior management.
b. Changes: Any significant changes to working schedules, including the split between remote and office-based work, should be discussed and agreed upon with line managers in advance.
c. Review: This policy will be reviewed regularly and may be amended to suit business needs and changes in circumstances.
5. Conclusion
Hybrid working is an essential part of Kanopy Ventures' work culture that supports the well-being of our employees and drives productivity and collaboration. We expect all employees to follow this policy and contribute towards creating a balanced and productive work environment.
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